How to keep your subscribers interested and engaged
Regardless of how many email campaigns you’re sending out and how BRILLIANT they may look, it’s really no use if they remain unopened or are simply glanced at without being clicked. What’s more, if this trend is allowed to continue, it will gradually lead to greater numbers of unsubscribes.
But even before that final nail in the coffin, the filters of every well-known email service provider will notice if you are sending out to a large database and receiving no clicks. This in turn flags that your emails are generally unwanted and they may be more likely to end up straight in the junk folder.
5 tips to keep email subscribers clicking through
If you’ve just checked your campaign analytics and all of the above sounds horribly familiar, there’s no need to fret. Just check out our 5 practical suggestions for keeping your subscribers both interested and engaged. Then start ringing the changes today.
1. Send to your biggest fans first
A rather clever feature in CyanMailer, which you may not know about, is the option to send to your most engaged subscribers first, thereby increasing the delivery chances for the rest of the mailing list.
2. We love big buttons and we cannot lie
Another essential tip is to use clear calls to action to encourage client engagement. Big buttons with imperative statements such as ‘GET A QUOTE’, ‘DOWNLOAD OUR FACTSHEET’ or ‘REQUEST A TRIAL’ are great ways to engage your audience.
3. Always leave them wanting more
Don’t try to say it all in your email campaigns. Keep your message short and to the point. Ensure your content is relevant, interesting and (crucially) concise, and always provide the option to click through to ‘read more’ on your website or landing page.
4. Target your audience
Increase the relevance of your campaigns by targeting contact lists filtered by locations, areas of interests or based-on their sign up entry point.
5. Grasp that nettle – cut out the chaff
This one is not for the faint-hearted, but it really can be beneficial to clear out those inactive subscribers from your database. A clever way to do this is to send a ‘goodbye’ email giving them a chance to engage if they still wish to receive your emails.